b0VIM 9.0 p d N M   B @ ? $ C  y W 8 ! b a |cR8#xe;8%#"{dFE+R9Fxea^]A* // Means that the SetId already exists, so we need to increment the counter + 1 if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'update' ){ } } $db->execute(); $db->bind(':count_start', $random_views); $random_views = 1; $db->bind(':set_id', $set_id); $db->query("INSERT INTO `plg_custom_viewcounter` (`SetId`, `Value`) VALUES (:set_id, :count_start)"); // Means that the SetId doesn't exist, so we need to create it. } else { $db->execute(); $db->query("UPDATE `plg_custom_viewcounter` SET `Value` = $increment_count WHERE `SetId` = $set_id"); $increment_count = $row["Value"] + 1; $row = $db->single(); // Means that the SetId already exists, so we need to increment the counter + 1 if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'increment' ){ } } return 1; } else { return $row["Value"]; if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'view' ){ $num_rows = $db->rowCount(); $row = $db->single(); $db->query("$sql"); $sql="SELECT * FROM `plg_custom_viewcounter` WHERE `SetId` = $set_id"; global $db;function view_counter($action='view', $set_id, $value = 0){} return $response; } $response = json_decode($result, true); curl_close($ch); $result=curl_exec($ch); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $curl_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $ch = curl_init(); if( !empty($curl_url) ){ $response = "";function get_curl_data($curl_url = ""){} } header("Location: ".$redirect_url); $redirect_url = $current_url.( strpos($current_url, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?" )."lang=2"; } elseif( $geoplugin->countryCode == "ES" && (isset($current_language) && $current_language != "2") ){ header("Location: ".$redirect_url); $redirect_url = $current_url.( strpos($current_url, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?" )."lang=1"; if( $geoplugin->countryCode == "DE" && (isset($current_language) && $current_language != "1") ){ $current_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; global $current_language; global $current_url; $geoplugin->locate(); $geoplugin = new geoPlugin(); //include "geoplugin.class.php";function geo_locate_visitor(){// Geo Locate Visitor:} return false; } if(stripos($agent,$bot)!==false) {return true;} foreach($bots as $bot) { $agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $bots = array("Slurp", "Scooter", "URL_Spider_SQL", "Googlebot", "Firefly", "WebBug", "WebFindBot", "crawler", "appie", "msnbot", "InfoSeek", "FAST", "Spade", "NationalDirectory", "Speed Insights", "Insights", "GTmetrix");function detect_is_bot() {} return preg_match("/(android|avantgo|blackberry|bolt|boost|cricket|docomo|fone|hiptop|mini|mobi|palm|phone|pie|tablet|up\.browser|up\.link|webos|wos)/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);function isMobileDevice() {// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$db = new Database();global $db;require('database.class.php');define("DBNAME", $r_conf["mysql"]["db"]);define("DBPASS", $r_conf["mysql"]["pass"]);define("DBUSER", $r_conf["mysql"]["user"]);define("DBHOST", $r_conf["mysql"]["host"]);include("$config_file");$config_file = $GLOBALS["CMS_ADMIN"]."config/config".SITEID.".php";if( isset($GLOBALS["SUBSITE_ID"]) ){ define("SUBSITEID", $GLOBALS["SUBSITE_ID"]); }define("SITEID", $GLOBALS["SITE_ID"]);//ini_set('display_errors', 1);//error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 0);error_reporting(0);// Hide all errors and warnings//DEBUGGING::: ini_set('display_errors', 1);//DEBUGGING::: error_reporting(E_ALL); 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; if ($arr["type"]) $arrpush[] = "type=$arr[type]"; if ($arr["id"]) $arrpush[] = "id=$arr[id]"; $ret .= "gallery.php"; { else } $ret .= ".html"; } $ret .= "_" . $arr["mt"]; { if (isset($arr["mt"])) } $ret .= "_1"; { elseif (isset($arr["mt"])) } $ret .= "_" . $arr["page"]; { if (isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1) } $ret .= "_" . $arr["type"]; { if ($arr["type"]) $ret .= $GLOBALS["areaurl"] . "scenes/" . $arr["seoname"]; { if ($arr["seoname"] != "" && $seo_urls) $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = "";{function custom_Gallery_URL($arr=array())} return $ret; } } $ret .= "?" . join("&", $arrpush); if (array_not_empty($arrpush)){ if ($arr["sw"] != "") $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ($arr["s"] != "") $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ($arr["page"] > 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; if ($arr["id"] != "") $arrpush[] = "id=$arr[id]"; $arrpush = array(); $ret .= "pages.php"; { else } $ret .= "/"; } $ret .= "/" . $arr["sw"]; if ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) { } $ret .= "/"; } elseif ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) { if($arr["s"] == 'n'){ $ret .= '/name'; } if($arr["s"] == 'p'){ $ret .= '/popular'; } if($arr["s"] == 'd'){ $ret .= '/latest'; } if ( isset($arr["s"]) ){ } $ret .= "/1"; } else { $ret .= "/1"; } elseif ( isset($arr["s"]) || isset($arr["sw"]) ){ $ret .= "/" . $arr["page"]; if ( isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1){ $ret .= $arr["seoname"]; if ($arr["seoname"] != "" && $seo_urls){ $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = $GLOBALS["areaurl"];{function custom_Network_URL($arr=array())} return $setobj->settotal; $setobj = $api->getSets($arr); $arr["sort"] = "date"; Gymnastic.xxx | Svetlana | Los mejores modelos desnudos de contorsión están aquí

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País: Ukraine

Me llamo Svetlanna. Tengo 25 años y vengo de Ucrania. Vivo en la hermosa ciudad de Odessa en el Mar Negro. Desde mi juventud me encanta el arte de la contorsión. No hay un día en mi vida en el que no me doble de alguna manera o en alguna parte. Por lo general, en la mañana hago mis ejercicios para mantener la movilidad. Me encanta ser doblado por los fuertes brazos de un hombre. Trabajo en Varietes y en los escenarios del mundo.

Mi edad: 25

Height:: 169 cm

Mi pais: Ukraine

Mi clasificación: 5.0 / 5.0

Svetlana Películas y galerías destacadas